Christmas Events

Christmas 2021 & New Year 2022

On behalf of the parish, we wish to welcome you to our parish family, where all are welcome in the name of God our Father. As a community, we shall be celebrating Jesus amongst us in a special way at this beautiful time of the year. ‘The Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us’ John 1:14. EMMANUEL – God with us. We rejoice and are glad that God has made his home with us mere creatures and we celebrate with great joy and gratitude.

He desires now not to be born in a manger, but to be born in our hearts. He wants to make our hearts his home so that we can experience the full joy of his incarnation.

The Church regards each day in an Octave as if it were the solemnity itself. Thus, we would like to encourage individuals and families to make full use of the Christmas Octave. If it is not possible to attend Mass on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day this year, please do so during the Christmas Octave. (Christmas Octave begins 25th December to January 1st).

Fr Gregory Verissimo & Fr James Raj

Christmas 2021 & New Year 2022 Services

11/12/2021Saturday01.00 pmChristmas Dinner for less privileged
16/12/2021 Thursday07.00 pmAdvent Penitential Services
24/12/2021 Friday (Christmas Eve)05.30 pmChristmas Children’s Mass
24/12/2021 Friday (Christmas Eve) 11.30 pmChristmas Midnight Mass
25/12/2021 Saturday (Christmas Day)09.00 amChristmas Day Mass
25/12/2021 Saturday (Christmas Day)11.30 amChristmas Day Mass
25/12/2021Saturday06.30 pmSunday Vigil Mass
26/12/2021Sunday09.00 amSunday Mass
26/12/2021Sunday11.30 amSunday Mass
27/12/2021 – 31/12/2021Monday – Friday09.30 amEveryday Mass
31/12/2021Friday11.30 pmMass: In thanksgiving for the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022
01/01/2022Saturday10.00 amNew Year Day Mass
01/01/2022Saturday06.30 pmSunday Vigil Mass
02/01/2022Sunday09.00 amSunday Mass
02/01/2022Sunday11.30 amSunday Mass