
English Martyrs Catholic Church is part of the Archdiocese of Southwark. By virtue of our location, we are host to people from over forty nationalities. The church has been on its present site since 1893.  At the moment the parish has two priests who minister to the needs of the parishioners. The website is aimed to provide information about our mass times, latest news, the sacraments, schools, office hours and other relevant details.

Mass Timing

Saturday: 6:30pm
Sunday: 9:00am, 11:30am

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 9:30am.
Wednesday: 7:30pm

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

Monday 8am - 9.25am
Wednesday: 6:30pm – 7:20pm
Friday: 8:00am – 9:25am


Friday: 08:45am – 09:15am
Saturday: 5.30pm to 6.15pm


Church Started


Age of the Church


Time Capsule Open

Latest News

Newsletter 2nd February 2025

Newsletter 2nd February 2025

Mass Times

Mass Times

Newsletter For 26th January 2025

Newsletter For 26th January 2025




First communion





Prayer Groups

Wednesday Prayer Group

The group meets every week at 2pm to recite the Holy Rosary and chaplet to the Divine Mercy.

R.C.I.A (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

  • Have you been coming to Mass for a while, even coming up for a blessing at mass, but are not Catholic?
  • Been thinking about becoming a Catholic for some time but never got around to doing anything about it?
  • Married to a Catholic, but not yet made a religious commitment of your own?
  • Baptised, but not active in a Church, or find yourself wanting more?
    Been a Catholic all your life, but never celebrated all of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, First Communion)?
  • Do you have a non-Catholic husband, wife, family member or friend who would like to know more about the Catholic faith? Sometimes, those of us who have been Catholic our whole lives forget to offer this information to others who may be interested in becoming Catholic.

If you or anyone would like to join us, please come along. The group meets up every Monday at 7:30 pm at the Church.

For further information, please contact the Parish Office or Fr. Gregory.

Padre Pio Group

The group meets up last Sunday of the month at 4 pm to pray Novena to Padre Pio.

Salesian Group

The group meets up on the first Friday of the month at 7 pm.


If you would like to join any group or help with church cleaning/maintenance, church flower arranging or serving Sunday Tea/Coffee after 9.30 and 11.30 Mass – please contact our Parish Office. You are very warm welcome and thank you!

Activity Groups

Social Events Group

The group organizes social events to help our Parishioners make friendships and helps to raise money for the Parish by arranging Film afternoons/nights, Bingo and Quiz nights, Christmas fayres, concerts and many more!

The Church Choir

Our choir sings at 9:00 am Sunday Mass and performs Christmas and Summer concerts, the Confirmation and First Holy Communion ceremonies. The choir also sings at additional services during  Christmas and Easter. For example at Easter, the choir sings throughout the Tridium including ceremonies on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the vigil Mass on Easter Saturday evening. The choir can be hired to perform at weddings, funerals and other special events.

Sunday Children Liturgy (term time)

The group is for children from reception to year 2 – where they learn the word of Lord and join the Holy Mass at the offertory.

Sunday Parent and Toddler Liturgy (term time)

This is the group for more younger children who wish to attend with their parents to learn about our Lord. These sessions are appropriate with arts/craft activities (songs included).

Craft Group

Our crafts group meets every other Sunday after 9.00 am Mass. It’s a friendly group. Membership is free and all crafts and abilities are most welcome. Come to learn or to share!




First communion






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