Next weekend (1st/2d February) is the Feast of The Presentation of the Lord or presentation of Christ in the Temple , the occasion when the Virgin Mary, in obedience to Jewish law, went to the Temple in Jerusalem both to be purified 40 days after the birth of her son, Jesus, and to present him to God as her firstborn. The feast focuses on Jesus’ early life. According to the New Testament gospel, a Jewish man named Simeon held the baby in his arms and said that he would be a light for the Gentiles (Luke 2:32). It is for this reason that this event is called Candlemas. Christians consider Jesus as the “light of the world” so it is fitting that candles are blessed on this day and that a candle-lit procession precedes the mass. The candle procession will start from the parish hall and towards the Church, and the Mass will begin.
Candles will be blessed on that day, please do bring a candle or take one from the porch.